Backlink Checker

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About Backlink Checker

Discover Your Website's Backlink Profile

Our powerful Backlink Checker provides in-depth reporting on external links pointing to any website or webpage. Understanding your current backlink profile is key for managing SEO.

What Insights Our Tool Provides:

- Number of Total Backlinks  
- Referring Root Domains 
- Top Linking Pages 
- Anchor Text Ratio Analysis
- Link Authority Metrics

Monitor Backlink Growth  

Regular backlink checks allow you to spot new influential links from other sites as they are created, so you can track traffic gains.

Evaluate Link Relevance


We categorize all backlinks by type like editorial links, web 2.0 site links, etc so you can better evaluate relevance and quality for SEO.


Identify Link Building Opportunities

Discover sites, anchor text and content themes driving the most clicks to competitors. Our data aids your content and outreach strategy.  

Start Checking Backlinks Now 
Easy setup takes just minutes. Provide any URL and unlock backlink insights to inform your SEO efforts and boost rankings!